Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Nutritional Essentials of Grapefruit Juice

Grapefruit juice only holds about 90 calories per serving. It has virtually no fat, 0% sodium, 9% potassium, and 8% of total carbohydrate. Depending on the size a grapefruit holds 20g of natural sugars, and only 1g of protein. Grapefruits are packed full of vitamin C. Other essential vitamins include: Thiamin, Niacin, Folate, Calcium, Vitamin B6, Magnesium and Vitamin A.

The Vitamin C content in grapefruits helps guard your body from harmful elements that could potentially damage your immune system. This is especially important for expecting mothers, because the vitamin C helps the baby grow and aids in absorbing iron out of other foods.

Did you know that drinking a glass of grapefruit juice before eating a spinach salad helps your body absorb between 2 to 4 times the irons it normally would. This is because of the extremely high vitamin C content in grapefruit juice.

The potassium in grapefruit juice helps uphold fluid in the body and electrolyte stability in the cells. The potassium also helps muscles contract, and discharge of energy from protein, fat and carbohydrates throughout the body’s metabolism
Thiamin in grapefruit juice helps to change the food into good energy that the body uses. Calcium assists in bone and tooth maturity, keeps you blood pressure synchronized and keeps the body’s muscles functioning. Fresh grapefruit juice is a great source of calcium and is lactose free! Magnesium helps your body create energy, and also works with calcium in upholding healthy bones and teeth. The folate found in grapefruit juice is very important for DNA configuration and cell separation. Folate helps adapt homocysteine levels in the body. In a recent study, it was found that low levels of folate have actually been connected with low energy levels, depression, and even some memory loss.

Niacin helps metabolize the food you consume into energy that your body uses. It is also used for DNA restoration and supports the body in using calcium. The vitamin B6 assists the body to process protein and carbohydrates in food and helps create hemoglobin. Vitamin B6 also works in combination with folate to metabolize homocysteine. Advanced homocysteine absorption has been recognized as a risk issue for heart disease. Vitamin B6 assists the body in changing homocysteine to cysteine and lower the quantity of homocysteine in the blood. Carotenoids provide fruits and vegetables their distinct and pulsating colors. They also act as influential antioxidants against free radicals that can damage cells, DNA and proteins. Pink and Ruby Red grapefruit juice include lycopene, that has been linked with lessening the risk of ovarian cancer and further forms of cancer like prostate cancer. As an antioxidant, lycopene furthermore has been related to helping avoid heart disease.

Scientists consider these plant-derived mechanisms are closely occupied in combating cellular damage. Not like customary nutrients (protein, fat, vitamins, minerals), phytonutrients are consequently new, the suggested day by day amounts considered necessary for health haven’t quite been determined. On the other hand, the significance of phytonutrients is progressively becoming obvious as research discovers more benefits, like allowing nutrients to work more resourcefully. Grapefruit juice naturally includes more than 150 phytonutrients, countless ones recognized as flavonoids. Your body deserves nutrition derived from live whole foods it can recognize.