Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ways to Eat More Fruits and Veggies

You probably already know that a healthy diet includes a moderate quantity and variety of fruits and vegetables. They are a good source of vitamins and minerals. Many fruits and vegetables are lower in calories and higher in fiber than other foods we eat. Eating fruits and vegetables instead of high-fat or high-calorie foods may make it easier to control your weight.

Are you to busy? You can save time, save money, or both as you strive to eat more fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet.

Here is a Tip: There is a new and convenient way to get your daily fruits and vegetables. Live Whole Food Based “InstaFresh Juice”

Save Time

• Pick fruits or veggies that require little peeling or chopping, such as baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, or grapes.
• Prepare extra vegetables and freeze leftovers for quick sides. Simply heat to 165ºF and serve.
• Choose ready-packed salad greens from the produce shelf for a quick salad any time.
• Visit the salad bar for pre-cut veggies to top salads, sandwiches, or pasta.

Save Money
• Take advantage of in-store promotions and purchase fresh fruits and vegetables in season, when they are generally less expensive.
• Prevent food waste by properly storing produce and selecting the type and amount you will consume.
• Buy in bulk. Freeze excess, or purchase frozen, canned, or dried varieties that keep longer.
• Shop the local farmer’s market or visit nearby farms and pick your own fresh produce while in season.

Save Time and Money
• Plan meals ahead and create a shopping list to help minimize impulse purchases.
• Buy in bulk and prepare extra or larger amounts. Freeze individual or family-size portions for later use.
• Make vegetable-based one-pot meals using beans or soy or other beans instead of higher cost protein sources, such as meat, fish, or poultry. One-pot meals also reduce the number of pans and other utensils that must be washed, saving you time.
• Keep it simple. Choose quick and easy recipes with few ingredients that use in-season, canned, frozen, or dried fruits and vegetables.

Click here for Live Whole Food Based “InstaFresh Juice”

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